Journals Impact Factor List
Journals Impact Factor List — The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is a metric used in academic publishing to assess the influence and significance of a scholarly journal within a specific field. It is a measure of the average number of citations received per article published in a particular journal during a given time period.
The JIF is calculated annually by Thomson Reuters (now Clarivate Analytics) and is published in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). It is widely recognized and utilized as a quantitative indicator of a journal’s prestige and importance within the scientific community.
The calculation of the JIF involves dividing the number of citations received by all articles published in a journal during a particular year by the total number of articles published in that same journal during the previous two years. The resulting number represents the average number of citations per article.
China Geology Impact Factor : 4.5
International Journal of Automation and Computing Impact Factor : 3.4
Chinese Geographical Science Impact Factor : 3.62
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering Impact Factor : 4.31
Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware Impact Factor : 3.34